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It represents habitats for over 200 protected and strictly protected species of plants and animals. In Novi Sad, it is also known as the "lungs of the city", due to the rich plant vegetation, which is dominated by hundred-year-old black and white poplars, which at the same time have the role of performing the function of natural coastal fortifications, as well as flood protection. While with its water capacity it represents the largest natural spawning ground for many species of fish in the territory of the city of Novi Sad. Thanks to all of the above, it also has an important social aspect, in the form of a favorite place to spend time in nature (fishing, walking, socializing), offering all the benefits of nature to the people of Novosadjan, and deservedly bears the flattering title of the symbol of the city.
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An informal group of citizens fighting for the preservation of the last natural oasis at the location Dunavac Sodros Kamenicka Ada, in Novi Sad. Nature lovers, who, through volunteer work, self-initiated and self-organized efforts to preserve this last natural pearl of the city, as well as protect 200 protected and strictly protected species of plants and animals. In the photo galleries you can see how as well as the animal world of this area, which extends over 170 hectares, as a natural wealth, which is recognized, even as a significant part of international biodiversity.
Informal Citizen Initiative
Dunavac Sodros
Dunavac Sodros
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